Terms and conditions

The website www.capevest.com.au (“this website”) is owned by Capevest ("Capevest"). Your access to this website is subject to the terms and conditions set out in this disclaimer, Capevest’s Privacy Policy and any other notices, disclaimers, statements and other terms and conditions contained on this website (collectively referred to as “the Terms and Conditions”). By accessing this website and other websites through links provided by us, you agree to be subject to the Terms and Conditions.

The information provided on this website is provided by Capevest in good faith and is believed to be accurate at the time of compilation. However, the use of this website is at your sole risk. Neither Capevest nor any other related or affiliated entity of Capevest nor any of their respective directors or officers (collectively “Capevest Persons”) makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in this website or in websites linked to this website. To the extent permissible by law, Capevest Persons disclaim all liability (whether arising in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise) for any error or omission in the information in this website or in websites linked to this website or for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) suffered by the recipient of the information or by any other person.

Capevest may, without notice, amend the Terms and Conditions at any time by posting an amended version of this web page. You agree to continue to be bound by any amended terms and conditions and that Capevest has no obligation to notify you of such amendments.

Australian and New Zealand investors

The information included on this website is only intended for Australian residents or citizens who are currently located in Australia, and New Zealand residents or citizens who are currently located in New Zealand.

US investors and investors other than Australian and New Zealand investors

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General information

This website’s purpose is to provide general information only and does not purport to give investment advice. It should not under any circumstances be construed as a recommendation to invest in any particular financial product offered by Capevest or any of its related or affiliated entities.

This website does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person and should not be used as the basis for making investment, financial or other decisions. We strongly suggest that you consult a financial adviser prior to making any investment decision and that you carefully consider your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.


We may as a result of your access to this website hold and process personal information obtained about you. You acknowledge and agree that the collection, disclosure or use of your personal information is subject to the terms of Capevest's Privacy Policy.

Past performance

Performance figures quoted on the website are historical. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No Capevest Person guarantees or makes any representation as to the performance of any investment fund or other financial product, the return of an investor’s capital or any specific rate of return.

Disclosure documents

The offer to invest in a Capevest fund will be made in a copy of the current Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) or Information Memorandum (IM), for the relevant fund. Anyone wishing to invest in a Capevest fund will need to complete an application form in the current PDS for the relevant fund. The disclosure document for the relevant fund should be considered before deciding whether to acquire or hold units in a fund. The disclosure documents can be accessed from this website.

Third party information, materials and websites

This website may provide information, articles and material that are written and prepared by people who are not employees or representatives of Capevest. Such material is provided for your interest and convenience only. The material will be clearly identified as the product of an independent third party. Capevest is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this material, and the opinions expressed in the material should not be taken as recommendations or opinions of Capevest.

This website may contain references to other websites or pages that are not operated by Capevest. Such links are provided for convenience and information purposes only. Capevest has not verified, and is not responsible for, the content of any other websites or pages linked to or linking to this site. Capevest does not endorse, approve or recommend the operators of those websites or the content of those websites.

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Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales, Australia. You agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts, in respect of any proceedings in connection with these Terms and Conditions or this website.